{ Tuesday, September 8, 2009 }

2ND September 2009, due date for our third assessment, Minutes of Meeting. Surprisingly, our group was the first one to hand in the minutes of meeting to Ms Suma. Later, while waiting for our classmates to settle down, Ms Suma called me to reveal my score for the script writing. I scored well, 15/20.....Not Bad ;)
Ms Suma explained why 'Guest Speaker' were important in Leadership Practices. Hence, Leadership is important to the business because they need to act professionally while deal with their consumer as well as their colleagues. After explaining, Ms Suma asked us to finish off with our disscussion for our industry project which is Work-Life Balance. However, I have discuss with my team members before hand.
By 5.00 pm, my team members have nothing to dicuss on, hence I asked Ms Suma whether we can proceed back home. After getting a green light from her, Asedah and me rushed back home to break fast with our family. Nevertheless, our team can't wait to do our presentation and are eagerly to present our product to Ms Suma on the 9th September.

10:13 AM ♥

As per normal, I'm early for class. Chit-chat with Edah for 20 minutes while waiting for the rest of our classmate to settle down. Ms Suma showed us the video on 1) Richard Branson as well as 2) Teenage being Millionaire. What I have learned through this video was, you can acheive what you want as long as you work hard for it. After viewing the particulars video on youtube, Ms Suma gave us a free time to dicuss on our third and fourth minutes of meeting. Without delaying, Asedah, Regina, Singgih and me gather and discuss on our minutes of meeting. Here's the outcome of our third and fourth minutes of meeting. Hence, all the minutes were done and to be hand in to Ms Suma next week, 2nd September 2009.
Third Minutes of Meeting
Champion Financial Institution Ltd

Minutes of the Third Meeting of the Champions Committee was held on the 24th August 2009, Monday at 1030 Hours in the management office meeting room. The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed without any amendment.

Attendance: Emelia Binte Kamal Team Builder
Noor Asedah Bte Saedan Implementer
Regina Christine Tandani Completer/Finisher
Singgih Sugondo Specialist

Miss Tandani and Mr Sugondo gave their completed research analysis on ‘Work-Life Balance’ and explained the analysis spontaneously.

Miss Asedah then took the stand to add on the ‘Work-Life Balance’ strategies which Miss Emelia had recommended in the last meeting.

Miss Emelia was pleased with the outcome of the research.

Miss Emelia suggested ideas on the benefits of the ‘Work-Life Balance’ which she found it was important to add on in this industry project.

Everyone agreed with her idea.

Miss Emelia assigned by Mr Sugondo to take charge on the benefits of the ‘Work-Life Balance’ analysis in order to have a good explanation with CFI Ltd employees on the day of presentation.

Miss Emelia and Miss Asedah had come up with several recommendations as well as the conclusion for this industry project that Champions Financial Institution Ltd employees needs.

Miss Emelia assigned Miss Tandani to put all the recommendation and conclusion together; and come up with a good outcome on the day of presentation.

Our next matters arising would be producing our final product which is 1) Brochure, 2) Website and 3) Report to be presented on the 9th September 2009.

There is no any other business.

Meeting was adjourned at 1345 Hours by Regina Christine Tandani. The next meeting will be at 1630 Hours on the 26th August 2009, Wednesday in the management office meeting room.

Minutes Submitted By: Regina Christine Tandani
Approved By: Emelia Binte Kamal
Date/Day: 24th August 2009, Monday
Fourth Minutes of Meeting
Champion Financial Institution Ltd

Minutes of the Fourth Meeting of the Champions Committee was held on the 26th August 2009, Wednesday at 1630 Hours in the management office meeting room. The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed without any amendment.

Attendance: Emelia Binte Kamal Team Builder
Noor Asedah Bte Saedan Implementer
Regina Christine Tandani Completer/Finisher
Singgih Sugondo Specialist

Mr Sugondo presented his final outcome on the benefits of ‘Work-Life Balance’ to Miss Emelia. Thus, Miss Emelia was delighted with the outcome.

Miss Tandani showed Miss Emelia the recommendation as well as the conclusion that she had put it together and Miss Emelia was very exhilarated and satisfied with the outcome.

Miss Asedah suggested the idea of having brochure as the final product as it will have a brief idea on our industry project, ‘Work-Life Balance’. Hence, Miss Emelia assigned Miss Asedah to take charge on producing the brochure.

Miss Tandani and Mr Sugondo proposed an idea to create a web page especially for the employees to have a better view and value ‘Work-Life Balance’.

Therefore, Miss Emelia supported their idea and asked Miss Asedah to join Miss Tandani and Mr Sugondo on creating and produced a good outcome of the web page.

Miss Emelia assigned Miss Asedah and Miss Tandani to produce a final report for the upper management with the intention that they will know how’s the outcome of our industry project on ‘Work-Life Balance’.

The Committee is required to start preparing on the presentation on the 9th September 2009, Wednesday as clear and as detailed as possible to present it to the employees of Champions Financial Institution Ltd.
Nevertheless, the employees will have a better understanding of what ‘Work-Life Balance’ is.

There are no other matters of arising, since the industry project on ‘Work-Life Balance’ is to be presented on the 9th September 2009, Wednesday to the employees of Champions Financial Institution Limited to have a better understanding on this project.

Meeting was adjourned at 1845 Hours by Regina Christine Tandani.

Minutes Submitted By: Regina Christine Tandani
Approved By: Emelia Binte Kamal
Date/Day: 26th August 2009, Wednesday
Nevertheless, we will be preparing for our final presentation on our industry project, Work-Life Balance, on the 9th September 2009. We will producing 1) Report, 2) Webpage and 3) Brochure for our presentation in week 13.

9:56 AM ♥

Today there's not much things to do. While waiting for Regina and Singgih to reach school, Ms Suma introduced us to a Lady Bug Maze where it is a game of problem solving. The game was fun after all. Then she told us to gather with our team member an starts on our first minutes of meeting, since we have 45 minutes more till class end, we planned to have our second meeting too. Here's the outcome of our first and second minutes of meeting.
First Minutes of Meeting
Champion Financial Institution Ltd

Minutes of the First Meeting of the Champions Committee was called to order on the 19th August 2009, Wednesday at 1630 Hours in the management office meeting room.

Attendance: Emelia Binte Kamal Team Builder
Noor Asedah Bte Saedan Implementer
Regina Christine Tandani Completer/Finisher

Absentees: Singgih Sugondo (Urgent Leave) Specialist

Brain Storming on Work-Life Balance
Implementing Work-Life Balance Strategy
Undertake Benefits of Work-Life Balance
Ending Product:
Brochure & Website,

Matters Arising

Any Other Business

Meeting was adjourned at 1830 Hours by Noor Asedah Bte Saedan. The next meeting will be at 1430 Hours on the 21st August 2009, Friday in the management office meeting room.

Minutes Submitted By: Noor Asedah Bte Saedan
Approved By: Emelia Binte Kamal
Date/Day: 19th August 2009, Wednesday
Second Minutes of Meeting
Champion Financial Institution Ltd

Minutes of the Second Meeting of the Champions Committee was held on the 21st August 2009, Friday at 1430 Hours in the management office meeting room. The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed without any amendment.

Attendance: Emelia Binte Kamal Team Builder
Noor Asedah Bte Saedan Implementer
Regina Christine Tandani Completer/Finisher
Singgih Sugondo Specialist

Miss Emelia recommended them to start brain-storming on ‘Work-Life Balance’ as well as contributed realistic ideas on implementing the strategies of this industry project.

Miss Tandani suggested that this project need to be well-researched in order to understand what ‘Work-Life Balance’ is. Miss Asedah and Mr Sugondo supported the idea knowing that there is a certain difficulty in understanding the project.

Miss Emelia contributed with several ‘Work-Life Balance’ strategies which they will find it useful for this industry project.

Everyone agreed with her idea.
Miss Emelia assigned them to do a thorough research on ‘Work-Life Balance’ before any further action as well as deciding on the best outcome for their employees in Champion Financial Institution Ltd.

Hence, Miss Emelia had designated the work equally among them.

Our next matters arising would be undertaking benefits of ‘Work-Life Balance’ as well as come up with recommendation/conclusion on this industry project.

There is no any other business.

Meeting was adjourned at 1730 Hours by Noor Asedah Bte Saedan. The next meeting will be at 1030 Hours on the 24th August 2009, Monday in the management office meeting room.
Minutes Submitted By: Noor Asedah Bte Saedan
Approved By: Emelia Binte Kamal
Date/Day: 21st August 2009, Friday

After all the discussion, each of us were to do a research on our industry project which is Work-Life Balance. Hence, we will be having our third and fourth meeting next week, before the due date comes to an end.


9:15 AM ♥

At last I'm done with my script!!!
Here's the outcome of my script, I'm so proud that I can produced a script in 2 weeks...Hehehe!!!
Giving Voice to Values
Lisa Baxter
Developing A Voice

Lisa Baxter is Senior Vice President for a large consumer products firm and has spent most of her career in that industry, working first in Sales Operations, then Distribution and eventually Strategy. Very early in her career, she worked as junior strategy consultant. Reflecting on her career, she recalls a number of times when her ability and willingness to voice her values and perspective were challenged.


The setting is the interior of a large consumer product firm (ABC Pty Ltd), located in a hectic environment where buildings of an office can be easily notice by the people in the city. It’s at 0930 hours, where Ms. Lisa Baxter usually reads the newspapers as well as had some important documents to be signed by her. While reading the newspaper, she came across an article on ‘Prevent Sexual Harassment’.

It made her recalled what had happen early in her career, when she was still in her twenties, she faced several sexual harassment situation. Suddenly, reminds her of Mr. Brad Otter. When visiting a client at his site, the company representative told her to succumb to his advances or her firm would not get the assignment.

At site

Baxter (Introduce herself) : Hi I’m Lisa Baxter, the junior strategy consultant of ABC Pty Ltd. Called me Lisa.

Otter (Reply with cheekiness) : Wow, you have a nice name there. I’m Brad Otter.

Firm Hand Shake for a few seconds

Otter : Lisa your hand shake really shows that you’re keen in your work. Such a good hand shake. I like it.

Baxter (Softly and Sweet) : Thank you, but at least can we discuss on the effects of our assignment, Sir.

Otter (Putting his arms
around Lisa’s shoulder) : Well, lets go for a tea break and discuss it over the assignment in my office.

Baxter : But, but ….

Otter : No worries there will only be you and me to discuss on this assignment. We will have major things to discuss and further more you will feel comfortable in the office. Shall we proceed to my office?

Baxter (hesitantly) : If you say so, then we will discuss it in your office.

They proceed to his office and had discussion on the assignment. After a long day discussion with a pervert, Lisa went back to her office and return to her table wondering what was up to this kind of people. Is this their daily routine of life where flirting around with juniors is a hobby or just to satisfy they needs?

While going through her inbox, she was shocked; she had received an e-mail from her colleague, which stated she had done a great job and the assignment that she when through with Mr. Brad Otter was accepted. Hence, the company really appreciates what she had contributed for this assignment without knowing what had happen to her.

Door Knock


Her secretary, Ms. Annie Wayne gives a hard knock on the door thrice which makes Ms. Lisa Baxter conscious from her daydreaming earlier on. Ms. Wayne passed her the keys of her drawer which she had requested for yesterday.

After, opening the drawer and took some documents that she needs to refer too, she fidget with the keys and later remind her of another situation that she had been sexual harassed by Mr. Marc Coleman a senior partner as well as vice president in one of the distribution company.

It happen during an off-site team meeting of a where Mr. Coleman pressed his room key into her hand, telling her he could not concentrate with her in the meeting and that she must meet him that evening.

Outside meeting room

Coleman : Lisa, can you unlock my room? Here’s the room key to my room and I want to see you in my room after work to discuss matter that you are slacking on. (Pressing his room key into Lisa’ hand)

Baxter (Softly and politely) : Ouch! Mr. Coleman you don’t have to press your room key so aggressively into my hand. If I were to make any mistake in my work that you’re not satisfy with we can talk it over.

Coleman (Being serious
yet cheeky) : But I can’t resist. I see you in my office later.

Baxter : Alright.

Lisa wonder what make Mr. Coleman wants to see her that evening. She felt something is wrong somewhere by having a weird conversation with him where she tried to voice out. Hence, that evening she waited for Mr. Coleman in his office and is well prepared on whatever going to happen next.

Mr. Coleman entered his room and locked his room up. Lisa was shaken by the way Mr. Coleman reacts towards her. Whatever happens she was ready to voice up on her own and not let her dignity goes down the drain.

In Mr. Coleman room

Baxter (Confidently and
Calmly) : Mr. Coleman is there any mistake that I’ve done on the presentation during the meeting just now? Or is there any thing that you want me to change on the presentation?

Coleman (Delightfully) : Yes. Let me be straight to the point. You did a major mistake by having me not concentrating on the presentation but you. You look very sexy when you’re presenting. The way your red lips works was marvelous. (Muack! ) That makes me want to give a kiss to you straight way, but you’re lucky we’re in a meeting. (Gripping Lisa’s hand tightly)

Baxter (Irritably) : Stop it! Let go of my hand. (Standing up) Mr. Coleman, you don’t have to behave this way. It is inappropriate for you as a senior partner as well as a vice president for the company to behave in such manner. Are you not ashamed of yourself? What will others think of you if I were to make a big ‘HOOHAA’ in the office tomorrow?

Coleman (Evilly) : Lisa, Lisa. Lisa. Will your colleague believe you in the first place, I doubt they won’t. Since I’m the vice president and what so ever I can jolly well do what I like and what I want. Lisa, look at your surrounding is there anyone? (Laughing) No. No one will know what happen to you this evening Lisa.

Baxter (Frustrated) : Mr. Coleman (High tone voice) I understand how the urged for you to flirt around with me. But there are situation that we can prevent from ourselves. I’m sorry, if you say so that my colleague doesn’t believe me or what so ever but let me tell you something. I have my own purpose to be here.

In this company I thought I can gain lots of experiences on how the distribution goes here. But now I was wrong. They distributed feeling for each other instead and trying to flirt around with junior colleague, where they tend to say ‘let bygone be bygone’. In that case, you’re mixing with the wrong mister and I will not be hesitating to give you my letter of resignation tomorrow morning. That will be the first document you will received on your desk. By the way my dignity is way more important than the kind of behavior that you implement towards me and I will just acted as if there’s nothing happen in order not to have your dignity as a vice president goes down the drain.

Coleman (Angrily) : You’re such a B****! Get out of my room now! I swear that you will have a hard time finding for job for time to come. Get out and make sure I get your letter of resignation!

Baxter : Sorry Mr. Coleman you’re not God to judge my fate. (Show a very confident face)

Lisa went out of Mr. Coleman room walking confidently as she believes that this incident happen because there is a purpose. She learnt that to stands up calmly and confidently for herself is very important regardless what will happen next. After all she had prevented herself from having more problems in the company. Hence she had made a good choice by leaving the company.

Telephone Rang


Ms. Lisa desk phone rang and again that makes her conscious from her daydreaming earlier on. It was Ms. Annie Wayne. She reminds her of a new junior sales operation manager that will be transferring to their department at 0400 hours later. Hence, she needs to be in the meeting room to discuss some matters with the new junior sales operation manager later.

Today was a daydreaming day for Lisa Baxter. She wonders how those women handle this kind of situation. Regarding her junior sales operation manager, it remind her this incident whereby not only she herself being harassed but others more junior than her.

It happen when a senior manager, Mr. Josh Branson in her firm tried to pressure her to response to his advances, she learned afterward that he was approaching other women in the firm as well – women who were more junior than her.

In the office pantry having coffee break

Branson (Flirtiest) : Hi Lady Baxter. (Sexy Voice)

Baxter (Curiously) : Was up with that kind of voice Mr. Branson? Are you alright?

Branson : Hmmm…I’m alright. Let me comment something on yourself.

Baxter : What is it? Did my business proposal disappoint you?

Branson : Oh…your business proposal was fine I am satisfied with it. There is nothing wrong with your proposal. You’ve got a nice boobs lady. (Hands around Lisa waist near to her breast).

Baxter (Calmly) : Mr. Branson it is not proper to behave in this way. (Putting away his hands around her waist) Sorry, I’m in the rush, please excuse me. I’ve got lots to catch up.

Branson : Alright. Hope to see you later. Do a good job lady.

Hours later Lisa saw Mr. Josh Branson flirting with the other juniors where she found that, it is so annoying to find that as a senior manager flirting around and taking advantages of the juniors whereby they just keep their mouth close and dare not complain to the upper management.

Weeks later, she raised the issue to the upper management regarding this situation. Lisa wonders how the organization could act to stop this sexual harassment situation if they don’t know that it is happening with in the firm. She had tried to report the incident to more senior executives in the firm and they asked her back a second time to gather more information on Mr. Josh Branson. In the end, however, nothing happen - to him or to me.

Telephone Rang

Ms. Annie Wayne reminds her that she had a lunch meeting outside with other client. After all, that was her past. Nevertheless, she voice out what she suppose to voice out. Each time this kind of situation happen to her, she learnt that she needs to speak calmly and assertively in order to survive in this kind of situation. However, she felt this kind of situation needs to bring to a stand whereby all the women that being sexual harassed need not be afraid to stand up for themselves.

Perhaps Lisa thinks that those women are afraid to complain since it will affect the company reputation, hence the company must have an initiative to help all the women that had been sexual harassed so that they will not work with fear.

Ms Suma told us that we should be in groups of four for our next assignment, both Minutes of meeting as well as the industry project which is Work-Life Balance. Hence, Regina, Singgih and Asedah is in my team. We named our team the 'Champion Committee'. Nevertheless, for our next lesson we are suppose to have our first meeting on the industry project.

8:53 AM ♥

Problem-solving, using analytical and creative approaches

Steps in rational problem solving
1) Define the problem
2) Generate alternative solutions
3) Evaulate and select an alternative
4) Implement and follow up on the solution
Stated on page 183 Cariopio, J & Andrewartha

Limitations of the analytical problem-solving model
1) Define the problem
2) Generate alternative solutions
3) Evaluate and select an alternative
4) Implement and follow up on the solution
Stated on page 187 Cariopio, J & Andrewartha

Ms Suma assigned us to read up the individual as well as the team assignment which is Analytical Problem Solving and Creative Problem Sloving respectively stated ion page 218 and 219 of the textbook. We also when through two senario; 1) Moving up in the rankings and 2) Perserving our heritage.

After break we are required to continue cracking our brains for ideas on Lisa Baxter Script Writing as the due date will be next week, 12th August 2009.


8:26 AM ♥

- Writtten by Max Ehrmann in the 1920's-
Not 'Found in Old St. Paul Church!'- see below
Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As for as possible, without surrender ,
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly,
and listen to others,
even to dull and the ignorant,
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexatious to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble,
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is,
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do not feign affecetion.
Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to sheild you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears areborn of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe
no less than trees and the stars,
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
I found the poem that Ms Suma gave us was meaningful. Hence, I decide to upload it here. After break Ms Suma explained to us how ethics in leadership - an introduction to Giving Voice to Values. Thus, we will be viewing and ensure understanding of how a script is constucted that she given us on week 5 which is the 'THE APPRAISAL'. She also introduced and explained to us the GVV Case Study on 'Lisa Baxter Script'. However, we need to start on Lisa Baxter Script writing as soon as possible, because the due date for this assessment is coming to an end, which is in week 9.

7:34 AM ♥

Temperaments and communication
Ms Suma assigned us to read up the four temperaments on our next activity. After reading the four temperaments, Ms Suma asked us to choose one of the temperaments which suits us. Hence, I choose 'Theorist'.
The core needs for the theorist are for mastery of concepts, knowledge, and competence. They want to understand the operating principles of the universe and to learn or even develop theorist for everything. They value expertise, logical consistency, concepts and ideas, and seek progress. They abstracly analyze a situation and consider previously unthought-of possibilities. Research, analysis, searching for patterns, and developing hypothesis are quite likely to be their natural modus operandi. Today, we also did a questionnaire on the temperaments at www.keirsey.com/sorter/user.aspx. Nevertheless, we need to do some reading on GVV Case Study #1 'Handout 'Is this my place?...Speaking Up'.

7:00 AM ♥




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